Upscaling Mangrove Restoration for Coastal Hazard Reduction in a Deltaic Environment: Prioritizing Restoration Efforts for Nature-based Solutions in the Volta Delta

Project title: Upscaling Mangrove Restoration for Coastal Hazard Reduction in a Deltaic Environment: Prioritizing Restoration Efforts for Nature-based Solutions in the Volta Delta. Potential pilot site: Toku, Obane, Anyanyui creek, Bomigo & Agbatsivi (within Songor and Anlo-Keta Lagoon Complexes) Implementing Partners:  : Prof. Kwasi Appeaning Addo (UG), Selasi Avornyo (UG), Ken Kinney, ED. (The DI), Prof. Abiy S. Kebede (BUL), Prof….

Avu Lagoon CREMA Partnership Project

Background Wetlands play an important role in conserving the environment. Aside from providing essential services such as flood control and water purification among others, it has a lot of potential in promoting ecotourism. Inhabitants of communities found within wetlands in Ghana usually engage in activities such as fishing, farming, hunting and so on; these activities however sometimes impact the environment…