Sustaining food and livelihood security through organic agriculture

  1. Project Code: ENVC01

Project Title: Sustaining food and livelihood security through organic agriculture

Overview of Project: Farming serves as one of the major sources of livelihood in Ghana – many families work the land and sell in the market and for home use. However, the perspective that farming is a viable and economic livelihood is lacking.  This along with the lack of alternatives to the traditional farming practices and other alternative economic activities have been discouraging the talented younger generations to get involved in agricultural activities. This creates a gloomy future perspective for the rural dwellers. Building an income diversity stream with existing farmer groups is an important pull factor to incentivize youth to see agriculture as a lucrative business. The idea of organic vegetable seeks to establish green or environmentally friendly approach or alternative to the traditional agricultural system. Due to the impact of climate change such as drought, the project will adopt irrigation or agricultural water management system to sustain production all year round.

Volunteer Roles: We are looking for an enthusiastic individual or group of individuals such as from universities or schools who are knowledgeable in Organic Vegetable Farming and have an interest in helping The Development Institute jump start this project, as it is relatively new with the organization.  We have a location for the garden in a peri-urban community in the Volta Region of Ghana, where you will work with local community groups (men and women groups) to farm and produce organic vegetables.  The work you will do here is not limited to farm work, but also will include the following:

  • Conduct community awareness or media outreach on importance of sustainable agriculture including organic vegetable farming.
  • Organize workshop to enhance capacity of the group in organic vegetable farming.
  • Helping to source avenues for marketing the produce as well as develop a system to return profits to the groups (developing a value chain). 
  • Identifying funding sources and developing proposals for funding (fundraising) to support the project could be another objective for your team to support the group to establish an irrigation system. 
  • You may also assist us in designing a future project establishing community gardens at local institutions or schools so as to provide a source of income and food for the schools.
  • Write publications or blog posts on project where possible and applicable.

Time Commitment: 2 weeks minimum

Qualification/Relevant Skills and Attitude: Preferred experience with sustainable agriculture and knowledge in agriculture water management systems; interest in community development and an open mind and ability to work with adult groups!

Accommodation: Homestay and Guest House options available on request

Location: Saviefe-Gbogame, Volta Region

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