Economic /Livelihood Security

Our Economic/Livelihood Security program is dedicated to supporting communities in creating sustainable and resilient livelihoods. We believe that economic security and stability play a vital role in fostering overall human development and well-being.


Our Environmental Security program is dedicated to promoting the wise and sustainable use of the environment. We believe that our physical resources and ecosystems are precious and must be conserved and nurtured for the well-being of present and future generations.

Human Security

We firmly believe that true development and progress can only flourish when individuals and communities feel secure and at peace. Our Human Security program is dedicated to promoting activities that foster a sense of security, social stability, and empowerment among individuals and communities.


Welcome to The Development Institute (DI)

A Ghanaian non-governmental and not-for-profit sustainable development organization committed to empowering Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and communities for sustainable development. Our mission is to enable African communities to confront their development challenges with passion and commitment, promoting social stability, and caring for nature. Our vision is to create a secured and just world where individuals and communities can freely explore their potentials for the benefit of society. Established in 2003, The Development Institute operates in the beautiful lowlands, including coastal areas and picturesque mountainous regions, across five regions of Ghana: Volta, Eastern, Greater Accra, Western, and Ashanti.


We invite you to be a part of this transformative journey as we work together to build a better and more sustainable future for all.

At The Development Institute, our ongoing projects embody our unwavering commitment to creating positive change and fostering sustainable development. These initiatives represent our tireless efforts to empower communities, protect the environment, and drive transformative impact at the grassroots level.

Forests for a Just Future Programme – Green Livelihoods Alliance

Given the deteriorating state of forests in Ghana coupled with the harsh effects of climate change, it is becoming more and more clearer that natural resource governance needs to be sustainable and inclusive.

Avu Lagoon CREMA Partnership Project

The Avu Lagoon is part of a larger wetland, the Keta Lagoon Complex Ramsar site. Apart from its ecotourism potential, it is also believed to be a habitat for a small population of the Western Sitatunga, the world’s only aquatic antelope which is going extinct in Ghana mainly due to habitat loss and hunting.

Prioritizing Restoration Efforts for Nature-based Solutions in the Volta Delta.

The Volta Delta is an excellent example of deltaic coastlines that are hotspots of biodiversity but highly vulnerability due to exposure to hazards and low adaptive capacity which coincide with pressures on natural systems especially poorly managed mangrove ecosystem.

Enhancing Territorial Governance, Sea Turtle Conservation and Sustainable Livelihood

The Keta Lagoon Complex Ramsar Site (KLCRS) is located in the Volta Region in the South East of Ghana and covers six District/Municipalities (Keta, Anloga, Akatsi South, South Tongu, Ketu North, Ketu South).

Become a Volunteer

Take the first step towards making a difference by becoming a volunteer at The Development Institute. Together, let's build a brighter, sustainable future for all. Get in touch with us today to find out how you can get involved!

    How we work


    Participatory Approach

    We firmly believe that development initiatives must be shaped by the needs, aspirations, and priorities of the communities they aim to serve.

    Empowerment & Capacity Building

    Empowerment lies at the core of our work. We strive to empower individuals and communities to take ownership of their development journey.

    Advocacy & Policy Dialogue

    By advocating for inclusive policies, responsible governance, and sustainable practices, we work to create an enabling environment for development initiatives to thrive.


    We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all our partners for their unwavering support and dedication. Together, we have forged paths of progress, making strides towards a secured and just world where every individual and community can flourish.


    Why Choose Us?

    We understand that you have a choice when it comes to supporting and partnering with organizations working towards sustainable development. Here are some compelling reasons why choosing us can make a real difference:
    • Commitment to Sustainable Development:

      We are deeply committed to sustainable development in all its dimensions - social, economic, and environmental.

    • Transparency & Accountability:

      We uphold the highest standards of transparency and accountability in everything we do. We are committed to responsible stewardship of resources, maintaining open lines of communication, and ensuring that our actions align with the best interests of the communities we serve.

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